
Hospitality Mavericks

🎧🎙 Maverick Talk 🚀🎧 - How to Be Profitable and a Force For Good

Published 11 months ago • 2 min read


Five minutes each week that could change your leadership and business forever.


Finally I got the opportunity to get Pilar García Founder at Pendulo.

Our vision for this conversation was to give you a better understanding of how to make a more profitable business and also get the most out of your entrepreneurial journey.

Pilar has been on a fascinating journey from working in a bank, to working with Maverick businesses like Brindisa and Ceviche in London.

We explore why so many businesses operate on losses, Pilar’s experience of “starting from scratch” after losing all of her customers’ data, the power of building strong relationships, and the importance of supporting your local community.



I have recently been intro introduced to Kevin Kelly who is founding executive editor of Wired magazine, and a former editor/publisher of the Whole Earth Review. He also know for his great and famous article on how to get 1,000 True Fans - a must read for any business person - your foundation in marketing in my view.

As part of studying his mind blowing content I found this TED Talk where Kevin shares: Why the future will be shaped by optimists. This will give you an insight how great things in history have been created by optimist.


What is success?

This question has been in my mind for some time.

The late John Wooden has my favourite definition of what success is:

"Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming."

I have struggled to define what success means to me.

It’s been a journey where I have been forced to revisit my purpose and beliefs and the values I operate after.

I have asked myself if success:

Is it to earn this much money - to be rich - to have enough?

Is it to have control over my time?

Is it to be working on the things I love?

Is it to help others become better?

Is it to ensure my work positively impacts people, society and the planet?

Yes, it’s all above in the right combination and balance.

But they are hard to achieve and not 100% in my control.

Therefore I'm focusing on what is truly in my control every day - every moment.

It's doing my best in everything I do.

I am focusing on improving my game by 1% every day.

That is ultimately success for me.

It takes practice and discipline but frees you from most of your worries and frustrations.

What is success for you?



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Until next week,


Hospitality Mavericks

by Michael Tingsager

We wanted to show there was another way to build and lead businesses. So Hospitality Mavericks was born. We wanted to gather together the world’s Mavericks who do things differently from the norm. They are leaders from all walks of life who have shown and proven that there is a better way forward without cashing out on their values; ripping off their people, community and planet. That was over ten years ago. Since then we've worked with and interviewed more than 200 leaders, thinkers and experts on the best way to build a business that makes a positive impact on all stakeholders. We are the home to impactful leaders that KNOW and DO things in a better way. A network for those seeking a different path. So don’t just be like the others! Dare to Be Different ✊

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