
Hospitality Mavericks

🎧🎙 Maverick Talk 🚀🎧 - Creating a positive workplace culture.

Published 10 months ago • 1 min read


Five minutes each week that could change your leadership and business forever.


Ashley Godfrey is a Professor at the Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts, one of the top culinary schools in the world.

Ashley has an extensive background in resort management in some great companies, including the Walt Disney World Resort in Florida.

Ashley shares insights on providing a great customer experience, handling negative online reviews, and the rising costs in the industry. She also emphasizes the importance of empathy in the workplace, providing plant-based menu options, and treating employees well.



Mastery will not happen overnight

But over time.

Little by little a little becomes a lot.

Albert Einstein once said, "One who devotes himself to a cause with his whole strength and soul can be a true master. For this reason, mastery demands all of a person."

Mastery is the desire to constantly improve one's own or an organisation's skills through learning and practice.

It can become an expert skill or knowledge set in a given area when done right.

It is necessary to put in the time, commitment, and focus to achieve this level.

Unfortunately, it has become less common for people and organisations to accumulate hours and practice to reach mastery.

We want it now, but mastery takes time, commitment, and focus.

If there is true devotion, mastery can be one of your key competitive advantages as an individual or organisation.

So have patience with yourself and put the work in.

Are you, your team and your organisation seeking mastery?


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Until next week,

Hospitality Mavericks

by Michael Tingsager

We wanted to show there was another way to build and lead businesses. So Hospitality Mavericks was born. We wanted to gather together the world’s Mavericks who do things differently from the norm. They are leaders from all walks of life who have shown and proven that there is a better way forward without cashing out on their values; ripping off their people, community and planet. That was over ten years ago. Since then we've worked with and interviewed more than 200 leaders, thinkers and experts on the best way to build a business that makes a positive impact on all stakeholders. We are the home to impactful leaders that KNOW and DO things in a better way. A network for those seeking a different path. So don’t just be like the others! Dare to Be Different ✊

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