
Hospitality Mavericks

🎧🎙 Maverick Talk 🚀🎧 - Build a restaurant that positively impact all stakeholders.

Published 11 months ago • 2 min read


Five minutes each week that could change your leadership and business forever.


This week's guest is a true Maverick.

She is on a mission to build restaurants that positively impact all stakeholders.

Meet the great Chantelle Nicholson. She is a multi-award winning chef, owner of Apricity Restaurant (Michelin Green Star 2023) in Mayfair, former chef-owner of now-closed and much-loved Covent Garden restaurant Tredwells (the recipient of a green Michelin star in 2021), and All’s Well, a ‘pandemic pop-up’.

We talk about how to navigate the industry's current challenges and how to solve these, and how she is building a business as a force for good at the same time.

We also hear about Chantelle’s entrepreneurial journey and how she manages the ups and downs as a founder.




A hero of mine, Peter Drucker once said:

“Accept the fact that we have to treat almost anybody as a volunteer.”

Today’s employees expect more from their employers in terms of job roles, compensation, training, autonomy, work culture, values and how the company contributes to making the world a better place.

They are not afraid to blow the whistle on toxic cultures and leaders whose behaviours do not match the company’s values.

They want to be seen as volunteers, not as labour, by their leader.

But still, some leaders think payslips are permission to treat people like dispensable units of labour and expect to:

  • Demand obedience.
  • Exclude their people from decisions.
  • Withhold control from them rather than give it.
  • Tell rather than ask.
  • Not hear them - provide them with no voice.

When leaders see people as volunteers, they will:

  • Ask permission to hold people accountable.
  • Address tough conversations with compassion.
  • Focus on aligning organisational and individual values.
  • Listen.
  • Feel and show respect.

We all know what makes the most sense.

Now ask yourself: On a scale of 1-10 do I see my employees as units of labour or volunteers (1 = units of labour / 10 = volunteers)?

Are you a purpose-driven business leader?

Here at Hospitality Mavericks we call this: Clarity of Purpose and Direction.

The Maverick leaders I have interviewed over the years speak of the importance of having a clear and meaningful purpose and direction as the bedrock of building a great company.

So if you believe that purpose is core to success in business, join our friends at Remarkable Partnerships at their free virtual event, 9 am - 10 am BST on 27th June, presenting their research showing why companies are missing valuable opportunities regarding charity partnerships.

To join, Please email:


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Until next week,

Hospitality Mavericks

by Michael Tingsager

We wanted to show there was another way to build and lead businesses. So Hospitality Mavericks was born. We wanted to gather together the world’s Mavericks who do things differently from the norm. They are leaders from all walks of life who have shown and proven that there is a better way forward without cashing out on their values; ripping off their people, community and planet. That was over ten years ago. Since then we've worked with and interviewed more than 200 leaders, thinkers and experts on the best way to build a business that makes a positive impact on all stakeholders. We are the home to impactful leaders that KNOW and DO things in a better way. A network for those seeking a different path. So don’t just be like the others! Dare to Be Different ✊

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