
Hospitality Mavericks

🎧🎙 Maverick Talk 🚀🎧 - Boost your recruitment game

Published 11 months ago • 1 min read


Five minutes each week that could change your leadership and business forever.


Hiring the right people at the right time is hard, especially during the biggest labour challenges ever known.

In my latest conversation with Dan Hudson, the CEO and Founder of GiGL, the anti-CV tech startup is making recruitment less boring. We also explore why volatility is an opportunity, the need to change how we hire Gen Z better, how they have eradicated ‘ghosting’ in the application process, and some learning from operating as a tech-first business.



By accident, I tuned into this talk about kindness by James Rhee, talking about how he used the power of kindness to turn a failing business around.

I learned from watching this fascinating story that kindness is a force that knows no boundaries.

It can mend broken spirits, heal wounded souls, and bridge the gaps between individuals. A simple act of kindness can ignite a spark of hope and create more impact than you can imagine.


“Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be Kind. Always.”

-Robin Williams

Have you been kind lately?

This is a question I reflect on often when I do my journaling.

I sometimes struggle to be kind consistently to others and myself.

Kindness is a virtue we as leaders hesitate to embrace in the workplace.

Because we are here to perform and deliver.

We fear appearing weak.

We prioritise getting things done over the experience of those involved.

We are, first and foremost, humans with human problems.

So when you meet someone on your journey, who isn't doing what you expected, don't get frustrated - give them some kindness.

And remember to be kind to yourself.

How can you practise more kindness to yourself and others?



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Until next week,

Hospitality Mavericks

by Michael Tingsager

We wanted to show there was another way to build and lead businesses. So Hospitality Mavericks was born. We wanted to gather together the world’s Mavericks who do things differently from the norm. They are leaders from all walks of life who have shown and proven that there is a better way forward without cashing out on their values; ripping off their people, community and planet. That was over ten years ago. Since then we've worked with and interviewed more than 200 leaders, thinkers and experts on the best way to build a business that makes a positive impact on all stakeholders. We are the home to impactful leaders that KNOW and DO things in a better way. A network for those seeking a different path. So don’t just be like the others! Dare to Be Different ✊

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